Academics Curriculumn
Undergraduate School
Art & Technology Undergraduate Program is designed to foster insight and growth through a three-dimensional view of our society from various perspectives through educational curriculums and spaces where students can actively experiment together. Through critical thinking, students can discover hidden values and fun, and experience creation beyond their imagination.
Graduate School
Art & Technology Graduate Program trains the next generation of creators, experts, and researchers who can lead the development of human culture and community by fusing art and technology with humanistic insights and reflective thinking. The Graduate school provides a professional education to cultivate experts in the fields of HCI(Human-Computer Interaction), AI(Artificial Intelligence), XR(eXtended Reality), Future Cinema, Computational Audio Performance, Media Aesthetics, and creative industries.
Educational Support Programs
Joint U & G Program
The Art & Technology Joint Undergraduate & Graduate Program offers exceptional undergraduate students in this department the opportunity to earn both bachelor’s and master’s degrees within a five-year timeframe. This integrated process between academic degrees provides benefits such as exemption from admission fees or tuition fees for the first semester.
Internship & Field Training
The Internship course is offered by the department in every summer and winter semester, and the Field Training (FT) courses can be applied for through the field training semester program. Students can earn up to 15 credits while working at a company through internships and field training semesters.
ART + TECH Creative Startup
As part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s ‘Art Korea Lab: University Arts Startup Support Project’, five domestic universities participate in this program to foster art start-up teams within universities. Art & Technology supports art-based startups that foster future innovators by combining art with cutting-edge technologies such as XR and AI.
Art with Impact
Art & Technology is operating the ‘Art with Impact’ project donated by CARE (Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education), an NGO related to comfort women in the United States. Through this, we are attempting to communicate with the public about the unresolved ‘comfort women’ issue through artwork and a multidisciplinary approach using art and technology.
Professional Manpower Training for VR·AR
Art & Technology operates a specialized VR/AR application service curriculum focusing on “cultivating innovative manpower through convergence curriculum”, “practical problem-solving education based on industry-academic projects”, and “cultivating global manpower through international cooperation”.
Creative Korea II National Program (End)
Art & Technology provides various specialized programs such as Imagination Start-Up Idea Contest, Small Creator Group, Art&Technology Conference, and runs Art & Technology center with government’s financial support while carrying out the CREATIVE KOREA II National Program(CK-II) with the name of ‘Global Creative Talent Development Project’.
Course Map
Extracurricular Programs

SYK Global Project
SYK (Shin Youngkyun) Global Project is a student overseas tour program that has been started from 2012 (1st year) to provide opportunities for students to explore the wide world and grow up as global leaders.