Creation Beyond Imagination

To cultivate the next generation of creators and creative innovators

Art & Technology, Sogang Univ.

The educational goal of the Art & Technology major is to nurture creators fit for the 21st century. In our program, creators refer to individuals who envision something valuable yet unknown, and directly implement it to make an impact on the world. It’s difficult to find projects leading the changes in the world since the 21st century that do not possess artistic sensibility or utilize cutting-edge technology. Art and technology are essential elements that 21st-century creators must possess along with humanistic imagination. The objective of Art & Technology is to contribute to cultural development by producing 21st-century creators equipped with humanistic imagination, artistic sensibility, and advanced technological utilization skills, leading all fields of creativity and enriching human life further.

AXT Brochure

Art  & Technology education program information and its educational achievements can also be found through the brochure.


서강대학교 아트&테크놀로지 졸업생 최희현 작가, 2024년 KAFA 미술상 수상
미주 한인사회의 최고 권위를 자랑하는 ‘KAFA 미술상’의 2024년 수상자로 영화·비디오 아티스트 최희현 작가가 선정됐다. KAFA 미술재단(Korea Arts Foundation...
제13회 ATC 2024《코끼리를 냉장고에 넣는 방법》개최
서강대학교 Art & Technology 학과에서 《코끼리를 냉장고에 넣는 방법》이라는 주제로 제13회 Art & Technology Conference (ATC) 2024를...
raylc 세미나
Imagination Seminar - Prof. Ray LC "Imagining the Past from the Future"
✅일시 : 2024년 11월 29일 금요일 15:00✅장소 : X514 Immersive Hall✅강사 : Prof. Ray LC (City University of Hong Kong...


Art & Technology education offers ‘Undergraduate Programs’, ‘Joint Undergraduate & Graduate Programs’, as well as master’s and doctoral ‘Graduate Programs’. Our education emphasizes a student-centered approach, placing a strong emphasis on challenging projects and collaboration in addressing real-world problems, allowing students to have an integrated academic experience that combines theory and practical application. Furthermore, we provide a variety of resources to support the learning and creative environment, enabling our department and students to make academic contributions through innovative research projects. 

Undergraduate Program

Art & Technology Undergraduate Program is designed to foster insight and growth through a three-dimensional view of our society from various perspectives through educational curriculums and spaces where students can actively experiment together. Through critical thinking, students can discover hidden values and fun, and experience creation beyond their imagination.

Graduate Program

Art & Technology Graduate Program trains the next generation of creators, experts, and researchers who can lead the development of human culture and community by fusing art and technology with humanistic insights and reflective thinking. In Art & Technology, the curriculum between undergraduate and graduate courses are linked. The Graduate school provides a professional education to cultivate experts in the fields of HCI(Human-Computer Interaction), AI(Artificial Intelligence), XR(eXtended Reality), Future Cinema, Computational Audio Performance, Media Aesthetics, and creative industries.


At Art & Technology, our exploration and pioneering spirit transcend boundaries, aiming to uncover new values and sources of enjoyment. This process involves the discovery of novel and hidden aspects within our surroundings. Through collaboration and efforts that go beyond conventional imagination, we strive to bring these discoveries to fruition.

Sunny Day (2022)
팀 이사이오(2425) : 이찬우 류권우 서상교 심규범
base0 팀: 민지산, 이석현, 이시훈
Singlet_Multiplet_Screenshot (2)
겹과 결(Singlet & Multiplet, 2022)
무아레 : 김지영, 조예진, 장예원


Art & Technology community aims for a culture that cooperates together, respects diversity, and builds up creations. The Artechers (a.k.a members of Art & Technology) make and fix everything around them, from Art & Technology’s culture to their personal work. To this end, we support a variety of extracurricular programs for students’ diverse and active creative activities.

AXT Events

제13회 ATC 2024《코끼리를 냉장고에 넣는 방법》개최
서강대학교 Art & Technology 학과에서 《코끼리를 냉장고에 넣는 방법》이라는 주제로 제13회 Art & Technology Conference (ATC) 2024를 개최합니다.2012년 부터 매해 학생들이 직접 기획, 제작, 운영해 오고 있는 ATC는 차세대 크리에이터인 학생들의 초 학제적 융합과 경계 없는 다양한 실험과 상상력 넘치는 탐험을 통해 서로 자극받고 즐기는 하나의 놀이이자 축제이며, 또한 창의성 발현의 장으로서 공유하고, 협력의 중요성을 다시 한번 되새기는 소중한 교육의 기회입니다.48명의 스태프들과...
More Information →

What students say

10th Anniversary Documentary

“What’s Art &Technology?” A major that had no tradition, no decent buildings, or graduate. Here, we follow 49 stories of the people who sought for answers in their own way on numerous questions they have faced. Creation beyond imagination, history of the mutants, the eternal X.

10th Anniversary Book

<Art & Technology 10> is a book that specifically depicts an Art & Technology major. It follows the time of a small major with only 30 students becoming a major that produces globally outstanding talents. It covers the story of academic foundation and special educational philosophy which signifies the word ‘Art & Technology’. Also, the community culture, programs, events, and people called ‘Artecher (a.k.a members of Art & Technology.)’ are archived in detail.